To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things. The best-informed man is not necessarily the wisest. Indeed there is a danger that precisely in the multiplicity of his knowledge he will lose sight of what is essential. But on the other hand, knowledge of an apparently trivial detail quite often makes it possible to see into the depth of things. And so the wise man will seek to acquire the best possible knowledge about events, but always without becoming dependent upon this knowledge. To recognize the significant in the factual is wisdom. Dietrich Bonhoeffer:


Life is a train of moods like a string of beads; and as we pass through them they prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each shows us only what lies in its own focus.---RALPH WALDO EMERSON
Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.---ABRAHAM LINCOLN
There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state to another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.---ALEXANDRE DUMAS
“It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes... we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions - especially selfish ones" --- Alexander Solzhenitsyn quotes (Russian novelist, Nobel Prize for Literature (1970), b.1918)
“Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.” ---Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, November 3, 2011

BANGKOK FLOOD, a tragedy but inevitable

Okay, I haven't written anything about the flood ever here in Thailand yet and  decided to do it right now. It was a Friday night when it rained the whole evening here in Bangkok and  my place got flooded by Saturday morning. Nonetheless, I was  happy the owner of my apartment was nice enough to get me a cab to work and later, wow! I was surprised to catch sight of the massive water from my street to the main highway. At some point, I got worried that the water would come in the taxi. I was five minutes late when I reached ECC. I made it for over an hour to get there from the usual twenty to thirty minutes. I payed out 200 baht meter finding the best road to take, that made the expense doubled from my normal ride.

My street was dry by the evening I went home and I had no problem the following day. After  a couple of days, there! we had the news all over the city on flood and was advised to stock food as flood waters are coming to Bangkok. I had no idea at first how huge the damage was in Ayuthaya and I was completely surprised to see the intense of the effect of water coming from the north. I didn't worry anything at all until I saw lots of empty shelves in groceries specially  water which is  very essential for me. In a second I thought panic buying was on.

It has been over a month and thankfully, THERE'S NO FLOOD yet in where I live. I stay in Lat Phrao, Wangthonglang though we've been alerted to get ready, I'm thankful that the water hasn't come this close yet, for now I heard it's heading Bang Khae area. It is inevitable as no matter what, the water will find its way to the sea and Bangkok lies barely above sea level therefore it isn't a surprise the city will get the water from the upper lands.. Flooding is normal I think in Bangkok, how deeper will the water be this time and how long will it stay are still unknown and that make the status quo  aberrant. I'm pretty sure the government is doing the very best to minimize damages which are escalating  for now and yes, we all pray for this to end anytime soon and thus recovery be  isn't that a total struggle. 

 Find below the various images so you can have the idea of my location  and the situation.

The reds are the flood barriers protecting  inner Bangkok

My location via google satellite

Lat Phrao, Wangthonglang

My location and the canals, in case the water will overflow .

Map of Flood  up North heading Inner Bangkok 

Bangkok in circle, the blue colors represent the water still on its way to the sea.
Photo courtesy of Jesper  Hansson, a friend on Facebook

Bangkok Airport Flood level as of today. Photo Courtesy of Guy Lakeman

Click here for more : Thailand Flood Monitoring  

Satellite image of flooded areas around Bangkok as of today

Click here for more photos : Flood Gallery

For travelers on the latest update on  flooding situation including maps  stating which areas to stay and  get rid of  please visit 


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