I've enjoyed making my own meals in months now, which is very helpful for me as I can control my intake and I can definitely select what I want to eat specially to being healthy. Most of the time, I stay away from meats and carbs and so to speak, vegetables are the best option. This time, cauliflowers and brocollis.
I know cauliflowers and brocollis are really rich in Vitamin C and that I need to include both in my meals once in a while. The problem is, I terribly hate the smell of cauliflower! Yes, the veg is lovely from afar but getting near to is just horrendous. But then, whether I like it or not, I need to get it cooked and finally, taken in.
I know cauliflowers and brocollis are really rich in Vitamin C and that I need to include both in my meals once in a while. The problem is, I terribly hate the smell of cauliflower! Yes, the veg is lovely from afar but getting near to is just horrendous. But then, whether I like it or not, I need to get it cooked and finally, taken in.
I was glad I made the cook totally smelly-free! I've heard there are many ways, and how did I do it? Simply by just adding chili sauce, Sriracha to be exact and scrambled eggs. I stir-fried the vegetables, then added scrambled eggs while I kept the stir and boom, chili sauce in the end.