It was a holiday yesterday but I spent my time preparing for my lessons. Sometimes the lessons themselves are not hard to do but simplifying them to be understood fast and make them comprehensible as possible is tasky. The photo editing fun was a good break, at least I could breathe from time to time. I didn't know why but later in the evening I had a hard time sleeping. It took long for me to finally sleep after countless getting on and out of bed. And as I can remember, there was a sound I assumed a cockroach walking on the floor last night until it reached the paper bag which I eventually stamped on intentionally killing the cockroach as I thought.
I was shocked this morning to find out it was a lizard! I felt so sorry and really had a heavy heart in an instant. I really think lizards are good companions and of me killing one isn't cool. Nonetheless, my day went through preparing for more stuff for today's class.
I left my home earlier and took the taxi ride. I was three minutes away from the venue when I got a call that the class today had to be posponed due to some circumstances. No definite schedule yet but anytime next week depending on the availability of the learners. In an instant, I had no choice but to turn back and headed to the BTS Skytrain. I thought it should be a good idea then to at least join the cooking class that I really like somewhere in Sukhumvit today anyway I still had the time. As I came nearer to the train station the traffic was just the worst seemed the vehicles weren't moving. I got tired and when I finally reached the station I decided to just get myself a glass of iced cold lemon tea and some yamazaki bread. Then headed home.
The traffic jam was still bad though heading home but at least despite the heat and with just a little more patience, I could take a rest and relax. I deserve both. And now, I have just written something. :)
Today should be eventful for nothing, as nothing is accomplished as no output to mention. I had a lot I think and I've been through some ggggrrrss, no worries though I've always maintained 'calmness and poise" ;) regardless but then yeah, this Thursday has to go on. I should take a nap after this.